The Sons of the American Legion (SAL) Squadron 282 is always recruiting.
Are you the son, grandson, etc. of a veteran? Do you desire membership in an organized group and enjoy all of the benefits our facility has to offer? If so, join now!
The mission of Sons of the American Legion Squadron 282 is to acknowledge and assist with the needs and Programs of Post 282 and to conduct Programs as its membership so directs.
The following provides some information concerning the Sons of The American Legion and more information can be found by clicking on this link:
The American Legion La Mesa family consists of the American Legion La Mesa Post 282, Auxiliary 282, and Sons of the Legion (SAL) organized as Squadron 282. All of our organizations resident in the facility meet in our facility located at 8118 University Avenue, La Mesa, CA 91942 at different times and dates (see calendar).
The Sons of The American Legion Preamble:
Proud possessors of a priceless heritage, we male descendants of veterans of the Great Wars, associate ourselves together as “Sons of the American Legion” for the following purposes:
- To uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America;
- To maintain law and order;
- To foster and perpetuate a true spirit of Americanism;
- To preserve the memories of our former members and the associations of our members and our forefathers in all wars;
- To inculcate a sense of individual obligation to the community, state and nation;
- To combat the autocracy of both the classes and the masses;
- To make right the master of might;
- To promote peace and good will on earth;
- To safeguard and transmit to posterity the principles of justice, freedom and democracy; To consecrate and sanctify our friendship by our devotion to mutual helpfulness;
- To adopt in letter and spirit all of the great principles for which the American Legion stands;
- And to assist in carrying on for God and Country.
Membership in the Sons of the American Legion is open to male descendants of any age, adopted sons (their male descendants), stepsons (their male descendants), grandsons, great-grandsons (etc.) of members of The American Legion, a deceased member of The American Legion, or a deceased Veteran who would be eligible for membership in the American Legion, if alive, who served during 6 Apr 1917 to 18 Nov 1918 or in any period from 7 Dec 1941 to the present.
If a current American Legion member drops his/her membership with The American Legion, the SAL member may continue his membership by keeping his dues updated each year (continuous membership, no lapses). Should his dues lapse, he would become ineligible for membership until, and if, the qualifying Veteran re-joined The American Legion or passed away.
The Squadron, Detachment and National Constitutions and By-Laws require all new members show and provide a copy of document(s) of their eligibility for membership. Suggested forms of proof are the DD214 form, Service Discharge, National Cemetery Burial Record, a certified copy of a Death Certificate with service dates, or VA Medical Center Records (which must indicate service dates). When no other documentation is available, a picture of the veteran in uniform may suffice.
The annual membership dues of Squadron 282 is $40.00 and $25.00 per year for those under the age of 21 by 31 Dec of the year of joining. All applications for membership are finalized at the first business meeting following the receipt of the completed application. Attendance at meetings is not mandatory, but is encouraged to ensure your voice is heard. Meetings can include minors and senior members of the same family.
Meetings are held monthly and follow specific guidelines. The meetings form the basis of the introduction of Americanism, order, and ceremony to our youth. The Sons of the American Legion, on all levels, have worked together with the American Legion to promote Children and Youth programs, including The American Legion Child Welfare Foundation.
The Squadron 282 order of business in a regularly scheduled business meeting:
1. Opening Ceremonies (National Manual of Procedure)
2. Roll Call; quorum of five is required
3. Introduction of Past Commanders, VIPs, and Guests
4. Reading of Minutes of Previous Meeting
5. Financial Report and balloting of new officers
6. Installation Ceremony of New Members
7. Chaplain Report (death, sick call and/or relief)
8. Thirty Seconds Silence in Honor of our Departed Comrades
9. Report of Committees (membership, House, Programs)
10. Old/Unfinished Business
11. New Business
12. Nomination, Election, Appointment or Installation of Officers (when pertinent)
13. Good and Welfare of the Legion
14. Closing Ceremony (National Manual of Procedure)
The officers of Squadron 282 are the Commander, who corresponds to the President of an organization; 1st Vice Commander and 2nd Vice Commander who corresponds to the 1st Vice President and 2nd Vice President of an organization and who should always be prepared to lead the organization; Adjutant who is the Chief Administrative Officer of the Squadron; Finance Officer who is the custodian of all funds; Chaplain who takes care of the spiritual welfare of Squadron comrades and who performs various non-sectarian ceremonies; Historian who is charged with the historical records of the Squadron and helping to write articles for the website; Sergeant-At-Arms who sets-up the meeting room, preserves order at meetings and ensures that only authorized persons are in the meeting’s attendance; Advisor, appointed by the Post 282 Commander, who advises the Post concerning the Squadrons events and trends; and Executive Board who advises on the business, validates financial records and otherwise ensures funds are not misdirected.
Officers for 2022-2023 Term
Commander |
Terry Dilgard |
1st Vice Commander |
Matt Marlow |
2nd Vice Commander |
Vacant |
Adjutant & Finance Officer |
Mike Martin |
Chaplain |
Doug Meadows |
Historian |
No appointment |
Sergeant-at-Arms |
No appointment |
Advisor |
Bob Marlow |
Executive Board (3 Year) |
Bob Marlow |
Executive Board (2 Year) |
Stevan Marlow |
Executive Board (1 Year) |
Chris Marlow |
Your Club can always use help, whether it be cooking, cleaning, maintenance projects, etc..
Please contact Terry Dilgard (619) 208-1972 if interested. Your involvement, however minor, is needed and appreciated.