




PROPOSED Bylaws - Posted 4/11/24


These By-Laws, approved by Department of California, provide guidance and direction on the proper operation of the Post. Every member should read them and be aware of their contents. 

Members - Please review and and provide questions / comments / feedback to; Tony Sodl tonysodl67@gmail.com and Matt Parra mattparra91@gmail.com
We will collect and reconcile changes. 

Membership will vote these By Laws in (plus or minus changes) at the next membership meeting (22APR).















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Members recommending changes in these By-Laws should present them, in writing, to the Post Adjutant so that they may be discussed at the next E-Board meeting and, if required, voted on by the General Membership. Changes to the Post By-Laws require approval by the Department of California prior to their becoming effective.

Following the approved Bylaws, you will find the Proposed Bylaws which will be read at the meetings of 23 June and 28 July 2014. At the meeting of 28 July, there will be a final vote for implementation.